Month: January 2005

  • What World
    Leader Are You??

      I don’t do every
    questionnaire that comes along but this one looked interesting.


    That is sooo stinkin’

    Apparently not only does this quiz equate me with a dead nun who for many
    years was the toast of India, but it also pegs me as having the stature of
    Arnold from Different Strokes.

    I suppose it could have been worse. If they are using the dead as their
    touch point I could have wound up as Yassir Arafat, Adolf Hitler or Attila
    the Hun.


    Or even …
    Frank Zappa.


    Ya I know,
    but in certain circles FRANK RULEZ MANNN.



    Click on the photo to
    take the test for yourself…I would love to know what your results say!
    Please be sure to share…





  • How
    Sweet the Bean

    The aroma always draws me in. Diving into the richness of the scent,
    letting it envelop  me like a sun-warmed quilt on a cold morning,
    total bliss. Breath deep once … exhale … breath deeper a second
    time…hold it, feeling the fullness of the complex bouquet move
    through my veins…


      Is there ANYTHING that smells
    remotely as heavenly as freshly roasted coffee beans?


      I have always loved the
    scent of coffee. Mocha ice cream is a favorite, mocha cake, mocha mocha

      But I have NEVER liked
    coffee. And I still don’t.


        But would you
    believe that at the age of 38 I suddenly became addicted to cappuccinos?
    Also dragging my 40 year old non-coffee drinking hubby down with me into the
    land of English Coffee Cappuccinos, Caramel Macchiato and various and sundry
    other – o’s of mocha umminess.

        But I still
    do not like coffee!
    matter how much sweetener, creamer, lightening I have done to coffee it just
    is too bitter, too strong, too…sumpin. Thanks but no thanks. 

        But give me a
    cappuccino baby…oo yeah.


     Froth me some cream, toss
    in the caramel and hand it over. Again, repeat after me: Breath in deeply,
    hold til the caffeine in aromatic vapors  infuses the blood…

    Very good!

    You’ve been practicing!

        My addiction
    to cappuccinos this year has become so great that I started researching
    machines.  Through my research I realized that if I wanted true
    cappuccinos at home, I was going to be set back a pretty penny. Actually a
    whole freakin’ LOT Of pretty pennies. EGADS. A good cappuccino maker, with
    all the mandatory requirements of steaming, and bars of pressure, frothing,
    heating milk, heating water, making the bed, walking the dog, scrubbing the
    downstairs bath, er wait…



       Just kidding about
    the walking the dog part.

        To the tune
    of $250 and up to HOLY SAMOLIAN!!!, one can have your own Barrista-in-a-box,
    which will eliminate the magnetic pull Starbucks has on those of us having
    this addiction. What is the lure that slightly New Agey vibing, aroma laden
    haunt has?  I am convinced that the Starbucks of today resembles the
    Opium dens of the 19th Century. People lounging, inhaling, eyes rolled back
    in ecstasy as the first hit drives home.

       The only difference
    now is that the smoke level is definitely lower—now that smoking has been
    banned indoors in most eating establishments across the states.

        I starting
    looking for deals, knowing that there was
    WAY I could afford more than $75 for a machine to support my bean bent. With
    Christmas rapidly approaching, my mother-in-law was requesting ideas for
    Christmas gifts.  I could ask her to get me a cappuccino maker for
    Christmas. SWEET!!!
    picked out a reasonably priced unit from Target that had the requisite
    number of bars pressure, and while it was only around *ONLY>>HA* $60, i
    figured it was worth getting, trying, and returning if it were a no-go. Well
    worth a shot.

      In the meanwhile I
    stopped at Tuesday Morning
    *THE Singular Best Freakin’ Discount Store In The Known Universe* which
    happens to be close enough to my house that I could walk to it in nice
    weather *1/2 mile as the crow flies*.


    And there…

    Just waiting for me, and me alone…

    one..just one…Delonghi Cappucino maker!

    Originally Priced at a mind numbing $350, reduced to $160, and further
    reduced to $65.  WOOOOO HOOOO.
    that is how I like it …YEAH BABY! My mother-in-law was more than happy to
    buy this one for me for Christmas.

    she’s an enabler.
    I love her for it.


     Now I have a


        We are going
    through an amazing number of jars of caramel ice cream topping and bag after
    bag of mini chocolate and toffee bars. So instead of Starbucks getting my
    money, now Smucker’s and M&M Mars is geting it.

    have a recipe for homemade caramel ice cream topping? I need to recoup my
    losses here somehow







  • Can You Hear Me Now?


        It flips.
    It beeps. It chirps. It glows, vibrates and burps. You see them in the
    hands of drivers , 10 year olds, professionals and streetwalkers *er…I
    guess they are professionals too???*.

        That’s right, you
    guessed it. I am talking cell phones here.
    what didja THINK I was talking about hmmm?*.

        Over the last 15
    years I have had four different cell phones. Each succeeding generation
    was slightly smaller, added more features and got so complicated that it
    required a manual the size of the Long Island Yellow Pages to use. In the
    five years since I last purchased one, the humble cell phone has morphed
    from a slightly nifty utilitarian tool of communication into  WOW HOT DANG

      200 different ring
    tones and midis are installed on this little marvel of technology, with a
    virtually unlimited selection of music and tones available for download.
    You know what that means people…it means  the ability to assign songs
    fitting the character of each  caller
    *insert wicked grin here*
       Really… think about it…

         Ok…who gets
    the Liberace tune?  Go ahead…give me a reason to make you Mr. Tickle the
    Ivories….try to live THAT one down will ya!

        Do you happen to
    a “Dude Looks Like a Lady”, a la Aerosmith? At present I don’t believe I
    do, but I will keep that at the back of my mind… ya know, just in case.


       What about that
    guy that thinks he is heaven’s gift to every woman, when in actuality the
    theme song from Fantasy Island 
    fits that guy right nicely.
        And I don’t mean that as a happy fantasty  kiddoes…





       Well, let’s not
    forget everyone’s favorite, that person in your life who is
    totally-waiting-for-the-straight-jacket-to-be-fitted? Ya know, the one you
    duck under the table in Chili’s because of? Dive into the wrong rest room
    due to? Jump into the bushes to avoid and wind up stepping into a pile of
    gack obviously left behind by a dog the size of King Kong?
       Yeah that guy.

    You can run but you can’t hiiiidddeee….

        Ozzy Ozbourne’s
    Crazy Train would let you know IMMEDIATELY who’s call to let go to voice

    Press 3 to DELETE
    this message…Whoops .


        Every person and
    personality deserves his or her own “theme song” don’t you think?

       Pick whom you
    will, but there IS someone, maybe it will change hourly, weekly, maybe
    with the moon, maybe with hormones…the ever popular…


    John’s “The Bitch is Back”.

       Aww…comon, don’t
    lose your sense of humor on me! Admit it…even if you aren’t proud of it
    there is someone who even for a split second in one day of the month, of
    the year whom you would love to tag their name and number with that….

        I didn’t say it
    was NICE or to actually do it, but there are definitely some people that
    seem to strive to make that not only their theme song but the epithet on
    their gravestone.

       Its a good thing
    it costs 2 bucks apiece to download fancy schmancy tunes. That will keep
    me from having to repent of giving into a particularly unsavory impulse,
    or from having to explain why THAT particular song were to play when my
    cell phone rings.

       I am off to play
    with cell phone tunes.

       Let me know what
    song you want next to your
    name… ;o)

    Until Later…




    The Sky Is Falling!!!

         The Sky Is Falling!!!

    The Sky is Falling!!!

    storm came, and went. About 8 inches of snow fell Saturday, adding to
    the 2 inches or so that was left of what fell Wednesday. Definitely
    a  manageable amount, although the way most of Maryland reacts to
    a snowfall in excess of 1/8 micron
    means that every human life is in imminent peril and every household
    will be locked away from air and sunlight until The Spring Thaw. I
    didn’t know that Henny Penny wore Mud jeans, Nike sneakers or used
    White Cloud …*Its So Dreaaammmmyyy*.



    are such wusses when it comes to snowfall . I keep trying to convince
    people that if those that live in the Northeast, and those that live in
    the Great Lakes region can handle getting this much snow almost weekly,
    well heck YA we can handle this pitiful 8 inch snowfall. They just
    glare at me glassy-eyed, hug their Ultrahugemegapack of toilet paper
    and continue their dire predictions as to the fate of “life as we know it should The Big One hit”.


       Yeah. Ok. Whateva. *rolling eyes*

    Yesterday we headed out in what turned out to be the thick of the storm
    *not that we realized that BEFORE we were a mile away from the house*
    to take Brenna to spend the night at a friend’s house. Oy the roads!
    The snow was falling so heavily that the plows couldn’t keep up with
    it, the roads were 5+ inches of slippery, slushy gack that continually
    kicked gerb onto the windshield which almost immediately froze into
    there is need to freak out about something,all to continue the long
    standing tradition of stupiddumnMarylanddriversthatcantdrive  THAT
    would be
    the thing. The very real possibility of becoming part of a
    SUV-Oldsmobile-18 Wheeler goo sandwich is a wee bit
    daunting.    Thankfully we can say
    we skipped that addition to our diets.





    the winds have been blowing and moaning  so much as to look to be
    snowing once more. Wind gusts reaching hurricane force 
    have made the streets *and our 150 foot long driveway* a messy,
    slippery obstacle course . Every time I walk past a window in the front
    of the house I get to see the yahoos that live at the end of the block
    speed down the hill and fishtail  madly as they 
    “take” the corner. I have  a vision in my mind of one of those obviously highly intelligent and oh-so-careful * insert extreme sarcasm here XXXX * truck and
    drivin’ good ole boys to roll, swing or flip, taking out our white
    birch *noooo she’s just a baby, pleeeez*  or one of the 6 
    red leaf Japanese maples we planted and have been nurturing the past four years.



       Ah..ya gotta love that there  redneck …or 20…30…48.


    I have lost count of the squealing wheels. I just hope I don’t 
    awaken one night to a “YEEEE HAWWWWWWW”  followed by ^crash,slam,
    snap hissssssssss^.


      There are many that fall out of the
     stupid tree

    and hit every branch on the way down.


                                                                                                   Til later…



    Think Spring


    Its Bumm Numbin’
    Cold Out There!


        It appears that we have
    an “”Alberta Clipper” headed our way. That is when a weather system arches way
    up into Alberta Canada and then dips down,
    sweeping across the mid US and over
    the Appalachian mountains straight at us.  From prior experiences with said
    weather phenomenon, we will either just have cold and frozen rain, or we are
    going to get whomped with snow.  

      Thanks Canada. We love ya. Really. 




        Snow is ok. I can deal with snow.
    But Alberta can keep this terribly cold wind. Brrrr…

    am holding out for Spring. It will come, and with it these bitter cold winds
    will cease! Nothing is better than what the Spring
    winds carry as they pass over the meadow: the smell of fresh grasses and the
    scent of fresh water; the smell of the apple blossoms on our ancient trees; the
    wet, musty smell of fallen leaves that have blanketed the meadow all winter; and
    the sounds of the birds and small animals so busy at waking up after a long,
    cold winter.




    They express joy at just
    _being_ that makes me feel the
    same way.

      My gardens are a big part of why I
    love our house. We have more room for gardening and planting then we will ever

    We have worked hard since we bought our house to landscape and plant.
    It was pretty much a blank slate. The rewards have been unending.
    Hmm…so is the work at times. lol

       I thought I would share some pics
    of the garden in Spring of last year. Holding onto the thoughts of my gardens
    and warm weather keeps me sane.

       Well, hmm, maybe “sane” isn’t the
    right word to paste on myself *G*.

       Our house, in a side view, before
    we took down the walnut tree that was RIGHT against the foundation. D’OH!!! The
    long part actually faces the street. Someday, in hopefully the not _too_
    terribly distant future, we will be able to put a porch on. If we can afford it,
    it will go across the front and wrap around the side *taking off the present
    porch*. If that is too expensive we will put the porch on just the front. I want
    to use blue metal roofing on the porch(es), the garage roof, and the sheds. I
    won’t even get started about the decorating on the inside. :o ) Long tale…maybe
    more on that another time.

      But I love my gardens *sigh*. I am
    addicted to flowers.

    I have plenty
    of room
    to fill ‘er up! Who
    needs grass




    P.S. All the pics on this
    page are copyright so please respect that! :o )  Just drop me an email if
    you have any questions or requests about the images.





    Dog 2005

      Its official, winter has
    finally arrived in Maryland!

       So in
    honor of Winter’s cold and ignominious true arrival in northern Maryland
    *ignoring Winter Solstice where it was 50 sumpin degrees here that day*, I
    present to you Shia’s first snow of 2005…


    Isn’t she
    gorgeous? And as usual, always a smile on her face!

    aren’t called ” The Smiling Dutchmen” for naught !


    Well I suppose Winter
    truly arrived the other night when the thermometer migrated from daytime
    temperatures of a lov-er-ly 60 degrees to a finger, nose and booty numbing
    20 degrees. Brrr.

       Oh, and
    did I mention that our pellet stove chose the day before winter hit en
    force to start whining like a 9 year old starting school after summer
    vacation? Mike and I did trouble shooting , learned all about the 4
    varying motors on the back *convection, combustion, upper and lower augers
    for those who have a weird and unfailing need to KNOW* and decided it was
    the combustion motor that was screeching and pitching a fit. Part is
    ordered and should be here in a day or so. Meanwhile the gas and electric
    company will be a fair piece richer and we a whole lot more broke. Gak.
    Anywho….we can fix it ourselves for around $125 which is a sight better
    than having a technician come in, charge us $75 to go ” I have to order
    the part I will be back when it comes in”, then charge us a minimum of $75
    to install the new motor. Oh, and rest assured they would charge about $50
    more for the part than the manufacturer charges. Harumph.

      I am off
    to Home Depot to buy another oil filled radiator. They are only $35, and I
    am sure another one will help ramp back the amount of gas the boiler is
    using to heat the water for radiators heating the rest of the house.

    *Listening*I can hear the meter clicking as the gas pumps into the boiler,
    and I can hear the execs at Baltimore Gas and Electric cackling with glee.





      Of Women,
    Bling Bling and Power Tools

    There aren’t many channels on TV that are able to hold my undivided attention
    for long. More often than not I struggle to find  a show that I will enjoy
    watching other than my rabid addiction to Law and Order…ALL the Law and Order
    shows, or CSI. They must have been peering inside my family room when they
    decided whether or not it would pay off  to make not two but THREE of each of the above shows. Its a good thing I
    can multitask or else all would do is watch police dramas every evening!

    I also need to admit that I am a huge fan of HGTV. I am one of those people that
    have both the creative arsty-fartsy side combined with a nerdy techno brain.
    When in the space of a 1/2 an hour you can learn how to carve a cow out of a bar
    of soap using only the plastic knife from your Chinese take out, how to built a
    house from nothing but bales of straw and bumble bee spit,  or how to
    survive for a week in the woods with only a shoe lace, the elastic from your
    underwear and the guts from your cell phone, well heck, what’s NOT to love?

    Seriously though…that channel is addictive. As the proud co-owner of a 2700
    square foot, 200 + year old farmhouse with a walk up attic, stone cellar and
    separate 700 square foot separate garage and multiple flower, vegetable and herb
    beds, I am in love with HGTV.. I can go from show to show, soaking up
    information on the latest, newest and best-est annual and perennial plants
    *which will break my bank account with  attempts to fill a flower bed*; how
    to redo an kitchen with minimal monetary outlay *insert the words cheap cheap
    right here please*, and enjoy the naiveté of a pair of new homeowners
    who attempt to do a full bath tear down and rebuild in a three day weekend *BUHAHHAH
    what were they smokin??*.

    I love to drool over the latest power tools. “OH YA GIMME that 24 volt battery
    operated…thingy..I don’t care what it does but ITS COOL. After all the one I
    have is only 18 volt, so…its no good once the 24 volts come out.!  and to
    be heard from the redhead walking through the tool isle in Home Depot “OH
    YAH…lookit that…10 inch, 150 amp Makita Table table saw! 27″ rip capacity,
    large deck, nice fence…Can I have it Mikie? Can I… can I?” Hubby laughs.

    *heavy sigh* Party pooper.

    Talking to a friend on the phone one night, I was telling her how excited I was over
    getting my new … sumpin or other power tool from my husband for my birthday. 

    There was dead silence on the other end of the phone…


    “Umm…Kath…we need to talk.”

    Me: ”

    ” You’re a GIRL. Girls are supposed to want diamonds, jewelry, or shoes and
    clothes. Not POWER TOOLS!”

    *whine* “But I LIKE power tools!”

    ” No, no…let’s talk about this. Think perfume, make-up, or shoes, what about
    some shoes? Or think shiny glittery platinum or gold or silver. Ya know…Bling

    Me: ”
    No…I lose Bling Bling or am afraid I will lose Bling Bling. The more Blingy
    the more likely I am to lose it *thinking of my $1500 engagement ring I lost
    when I took it off because I was using a POWER TOOL and paint and was afraid of
    damaging it* I would rather have Vrooom Vrooom! ”



    Who wants to be predictable???!! Gimme HGTV! Gimme Vroom Vroom! GIMME POWER BABY!









    slept in late today, but I think I needed it. I repeatedly woke up last night *I
    would say at least 10 times* with the wind and storms we were having. EGADS!
    This all came across from what Nevada and Ohio and such were having. We got
    nailed last night.

         I haven’t slept very well for more than a
    week. I had a woman pull out in front of me last Wednesday, and in order not to
    hit her broadside in her little station wagon, and I am sure killing her in the
    process, I slammed on my brakes and came to a screaming, rubber-marking-the-road
    My big ole Chevy Astro barely missed her with the lovely side effect being
    a minor case of whiplash and a pinched nerve in my neck. I was in so much pain
    by Saturday night
    that I was totally drugged up and barely functioning, not
    sleeping and in screaming
    pain. I have high pain tolerance, but this was off the

      Monday I went to my chiropractor and Tony did traction on my
    neck, adjusted the “orbital socket” I believe it is called * Oh man did that
    relieve the pressure on the nerve of my arm!*, and attempted to adjust my spine.
    The pain I was having was a stabbing pain in my neck anytime I moved at more
    than a snail’s pace, and a nerve traveling across my left shoulder down into the
    middle of my bicep. My bicep felt like it was being burned and stabbed from the
    inside. Nasty! Childbirth wasn’t this bad and it sure didn’t LAST this long! LOL

       I was in so much pa
    in that I was crying just in moving, so he
    stopped at adjusting my neck and did electric stim on my shoulders and upper
    back. The poor man kept asking me if I was ok…
    I think he thought HE hurt me. I
    told him it wasn’t him but that I was hurting so badly that with the meds
    wearing off right about then I was in sad shape. I would put my pain at a 10 on
    Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday the pain was at a 3…a 2 Wednesday and
    about a 5 yesterday. Today I went back and Tony did all he did Monday plus he
    aligned my back. I feel soooo much better. Thank God for chiropractors! I don’t
    think I would be walking if they weren’t around, due to the accidents I have
    been in *none of which were my fault, thank you very much!* Oh, and thank God
    for CHRISTIAN chiropractors! I really appreciate being able to go to someone
    that isn’t into mysticism and some esoteric out-there-ness. That is just not who
    I want to trust my physical health and well-being to.

      I am going to go back on Tuesday, and then I am going to start
    going once every 5 weeks or so. With all the injuries I have sustained to my
    back, at this point in my life I feel it is a necessity.

      OH and HUGE praise! His receptionist called and my insurance
    DOES COVER chiropractic!
    YEAH! Only $20 copays! WOOOO HOOO! Much better than the
    $45 every visit! I am praising God for this big time. We
    rarely use our insurance for regular medical “stuff” because we rarely
    get ill and have no serious health concerns other than allergies. This
    is something that will really be of benefit, and it will be nice to see
    a benefit from the money we spend on insurance each month.
        Now I am off to go do schoolwork with Brenna and
    then probably take a 1/2 hour nap. I am still running on empty from not
    sleeping well.
        Til later…







    ON IT!


       Tonight I found
    the kissin’-cousin of the nefarious missing socks.

    Lids and Containers

      Or more precisely…

    *&^ Lids
    and ()(*&&* Containers!!!


      Tonight I took about
    3 pounds of ground beef *scored at Sam’s Club for $1.69 lb..YEAH* and made chili
    for supper. I froze half of what was left over for making burritos, or taco
    salad, etc.

      Allll I wanted to do
    was simply put the chili in three small containers and put the containers in the


      Inagine, if you will:

      Kathie tries to be a good girl and put the chili away right NOW, before she goes to
    bed. That way she doesn’t have to be half asleep, and jump up fully awake
    remembering she left $10 worth of food on the stove to go bad.

    takes half of chili from her lov-er-ly Kitchen Aid 18/10 stainless steel
    cook-pot and puts it in her brand-new-as-of-Christmas French white Corningware
    casserole dish * a thank you very much nod to mother-in-law Jean*.

     She then
    turns…and approaches with some trepidation


      Oh you
    KNOW what I am talking about!

    Don’t even pretend like YOU don’t have one.

    *and if you don’t have one, don’t
    tell me about it because I will get a complex*.

      Its THAT
    cabinet. The one that you could spend 2 hours on Wednesday, organizing,
    stacking, size-matching, top-arranging-til you are bug eyed.

     …and the
    next morning it would look like the tornado from the Wizard of Oz hit it.  
      ***Aunty Em…Oh AUNTY

    I cautiously approach the cabinet
    door…open it slowly…

     And I will
    be hanged if about 8 freakin’ things don’t fall our. Grrrrrrr…

     Nary a one
    of them is a top and lid that matches.

     As I grouch
    about the habits of my cabinets have about vomiting pertroleum-by-product items
    onto my kitchen floor, I notice a couple of containers of appropriate size for a
    serving or two of chili. TERRIFIC. Ummm…where are the lids.


    *insert Charlie Brown scream here*


      The lids
    to the containers went INTO the cabinet WITH the containers. Why aren’t they
    still together. *more rustling…accompanied by aggravated mumbling*.

      Still, no
    lids to be found. Yet another  scintillating household mystery to be solved…

       Perhaps it is
    because these cabinets share a wall with the washer and dryer? My best guess is that
    the Laundry Sock Gremlin has a cousin or brother that he gave a call.

    Benny, its Louie…Hey, listen, you GOTTA come check this out. There is this great place… big rooms…not many kids around.
    Ready for you to just move right on in. And get THIS. She has TONS of plasticware.
    Yeaaahhh boy, that’s right! I tell ya, this place was MADE for you! It is fate I tell ya boy FATE !!!”

    By the noon the next day, Benny the Lid Container Gremlin moves in so
    his backyard touches his Cousin Louie’s. My container lids go POOF! The
    Gremlins sit back just waiting for me to open the door, because, you
    know I will…I have to.
    All I gotta say is
    THANK GOD for Ziplock Freezer Bags.

     And to add insult to injury, I STILL haven’t
    found all the blasted sock mates.

      What you want to bet
    that when I find the socks, the container lids will be with them???






    This is what my backyard looks like today.

    This is the view into the meadow past the apple trees and black raspberry bushes.

    Its 3 p.m.

    It is foggy as all get out

    It is 45 degrees

    The 12th of January

    Maryland is in the Northern Hemisphere

    Its Winter


    Mind you, I am not bemoaning the fact that it isn’t 14 degrees, icy, and windy.

    I wouldn’t actually mind a wee bit o’ the pretty white stuff. In Maryland it is rarely bitter cold when it is snowing.

    Canada and the Arctic can keep their heinous temperatures.



    I knew far before SAD *Seasonally Affected Disorder* was officially given its moniker that something was wrong in winter. Lack of sunlight has me drooping and depressive. Motivation to do more than pull on pants and run a brush through my hair is akin to gathering energy to run a triathlon.



    Time to take Brenna to piano lessons.

    Ho Hum