Month: May 2005


                The weather  is finally getting warm … and blooms they are a bloomin’


          It has been about forever since I Xanga’d.
    I have been a major Xanga slacker. Mea
    culpa….I have been busy trying to catch up/get ahead in our homeschool work. Then there is the lawn
    and gardens…and more. The gardens are
    my main focus at the moment…


          My gardens aren’t in the best of shape
    this spring. Last summer I contracted
    strep for the first time since, oh, 1st grade. Lucky me, my first time in forever
    strep virus
          went systemic and I was sick, sick, sick
    for over 2 1/2 months. The fact that it
    happened in the middle of the summer meant that I did nothing…I MEAN NOTHING in my gardens. Other than
    getting weedy as all get out, the       flower
    gardens fared well. The herb garden…fft. Lost all but 2 or 3
          plants. The veggie bed…lets just call
    it the Lost Garden. It is FULL of thistle, which has to be pulled. When you are talking about an area
    that is approximately 25 x 30 being full
    of weeds, that is a MAJOR pain in the arse. That will probably be my project Saturday afternoon after the
          yard-sale I promised to have with a
    friend of mine. :o )       Hopefully it won’t be too hot to get it mostly
    weeded. I plan to do  lasagna gardening to finish off the veggie garden area so I can plant it completely. 


    have finished weeding the flower
    gardens, for the most part. I have one section that is in need of weeding, and one climbing
    rose that needs to be planted. The
    flower gardens just need a bit more work: some of the roses back need pruning and spraying, tulips need moving
    around *they are too close to the  base
    of the trees I originally       planted them under almost 4 years ago*, the seed geraniums
    I over-wintered in the cellar need to go
    into the ground, I need to plant       some
    annual seeds in pots *nasturtium, sunflowers*…yeah I am pretty
    late…my bad. :o ( Oh well…they will
    bloom eventually! There is a gal up county that has a greenhouse at her farm who sells plants at a really
    good price. Hopefully next week I will
    be able to go up and spend about $30 on  plants,
      which should get me about 26 plants. Can’t
    beat that! I will get some vegetables there or up in Lancaster
    and get them in the ground after I get
    the veggie bed cleaned out. Next week I
    hope! I am seriously wanting fresh veggies.       I
          am so behind…I really wanted to have
    lettuce and a bunch of other things in
    the ground by now but it just didn’t happen. :o (


             Hmm…well there is always next year, right ?







