Month: August 2005

  • I’ve
    Been Tagged!

    got me! I haven’t been tagged before that I recall. WOOT! So here it goes
    the quiz..

    List 10 songs you are currently digging. 
    It does not matter what genre they are from, or even if they are no good,
    but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now.  Post these instructions,
    the artists, and the ten songs in your blog, Then tag five other people to
    see what they are listening to.


    Third Day, album-Wire, song-Innocent
    I love this whole album…but this
    song is TOTALLY cool!


    Nickel Creek, album-Why Should the Fire Die? , song-When In Rome

    3. Shameless promotion: My husband’s band

    Dwell, song-Naked Sky
    This album isn’t their current line up. If you
    don’t like hard rock, or goth music. Stay away. Far…far…away.


    Sugarland, album-Baby Girl, song-Something More

    James, album-A Change is Gonna Come, song-Music
    Oh my GOODNESS this girl
    has a killer voice

    Gwen Stefani, album-Love.Angel.Music.Baby., song-Hollaback Girl
    She has
    an awesome voice and I LOVE her spunk and her funk!

    Nalick, album-Wreck of the Day, song-Breathe


    Vanessa Carlton, album-Be Not Nobody, song-A Thousand Miles


    Hootie and the Blowfish, album-Cracked Rear View, song-Hold My Hand


    Outkast, album-Speakerboxxxx, song-The Way You Move
    MAN are they funky
    and fun or what? You HAVE to dance when you listen to their music.

      That was fun! Thanks Anna. :o ) Since I
    have over 600 CDs it took me a bit to think about. lol

      Oo and now I get to tag a few



    Dawn’s Early Light
    . Let the games begin!


  • The
    Perseid Meteor Shower

    the Perseid Meteor Shower will be visible. Tonight we plan to go out at
    about midnight…drive a few miles up the road to where there are more farms
    than lights, and watch for meteors. Brenna and I did this last time there
    was a meteor shower, and she has talked about our midnight excusion off and
    on since then. Its very worth being up late at night if it makes that kind
    of impact! That is the kind of cool stuff one remembers doing as a kid when
    you get older after all! 

    Photo by

    Dauthel Nathalie

    I am off to look up information on the meteor shower and meteors in general.

    Everything is a lesson when one homeschools!




    i.e. insert
    random thoughts here

    been drinking my water. How about you? ::takes a sip of water:: Drink my
    friends ! DRINK!

    Christopher Reeve’s widow has been diagnosed with lung cancer. :o ( While I
    often do not agree with her and Christopher’s spiritual, social, and
    political views, that is not an illness I would wish on anyone. I hope she
    gets healing…for the sake of her kids. They have lost their father…they
    need her.  Losing their mother so soon would be a mighty blow to them.

    News anchor Peter Jennings died Sunday evening … coincidentally enough, of
    lung cancer. He died at home with his family. Prayers for them all. Cancer
    is ugly. So. Very. Ugly.

    I am so tired this week. Tired to the bone. I had my gall bladder out two
    weeks ago Monday **not laproscopically**. Since then I just have had NO
    energy.  I know it is normal…I just had major surgery. Doesn’t mean I
    have to like it.



    Because I have had no energy and am too sore to be bending, weeding, and
    pulling, over the last three weeks my front garden bed against the house has
    GONE OUTTA CONTROL. Oh my gosh…the weeds…I CANNOT believe how fast they
    have grown! *sniff* I put so much work into those flower beds…and now they
    just are overgrown and nasty **whine**. It is too hot to work out there so I
    am having to wait until I can handle the temperature (mainly the humidity)
    so I can weed. At night when it is cooler the mosquitoes are so bad that it
    is nigh impossible to stand being out there.

    Unless you particularly enjoy being the target of parasitical
    insects. Ick.

    is up with this whole Harry Potter thing? I don’t get it. Why are people so
    vehemently PASSIONATE about it? Good grief. With wars, child abductions,
    murders, illnesses, etc. going on, people are expending a lot of unnecessary
    energy in fighting about it. Not worth arguing over…each has his own
    personal conviction about the story, author and series. Fah.  Its not
    eternal. I am not going to get bent about it.

    my rescue Keeshond that we picked up in March from West Virginia, is doing
    amazingly well. He is calming down more and more daily…and he is a great
    dog. Such a clown and he is turning into a major snuggler and lover of
    people. Just as a Kees should be! I am so glad we have him. He was listed as
    a mix, and unneutered on the web site. He is neither a mix, nor unneutered.

    Saturdays ago my husband and his band,

    ,  played a gig to benefit a 10
    young boy with leukemia. Unfortunately, the Friday before they did the gig
    the boy passed away from the leukemia. On a nicer note, the guys went ahead
    and did the gig, and along with several other bands, raised over $14,000 for
    the boy’s family.

    Our daughter is 10 years old. I can’t imagine. I never want to have to go
    there. Ever. Prayers for healing for this family are appreciated.

    had to go to the local post office today to talk to the Post Master, who
    happens to be a very nice man. Seems there is some funky change in mail
    routes and we don’t have a regular carrier and that is what is causing the
    problems. After today we will have a regular carrier. I wasn’t nasty just
    firm about this costing us over $200 in late fees and misc issues. I let him
    know that whatever was causing the issue I am done…this has gone on
    intermittently for a year and it needs to stop. Now. ::grunt:: Here’s
    hopin’…I may just stake out my mailbox for a couple of days and talk to
    the carrier.

    I am SO not happy. My SIL, and my pastor and his wife sent me get well cards
    following my surgery. Both cards were returned with “No Such Address” marked
    on them. What the heck? I’m preeetty sure that for the almost five
    years we have lived here that the house, and its address, were here. Not to
    mention that the house is over 230 years old…and its been here that whole
    time.  Now, I have had two people tell me that mail has been
    bumped back to them. What has been bumped back that I don’t know
    about? I know of several bills we  never received (because of the
    ensuing late fees and pain-in-the-butt dealings with said companies), and
    did I mention the hell I went through getting my vehicle emissions
    inspection done on my van? It took 8 MONTHS to resolve because every letter
    the DMV sent me to verify where I live was returned. I assume they were
    returned because *I* never received them. We all know the JOYS of dealing
    with the local motor vehicle division now, don’t we? ::grimace:: Finally, to get
    the issue straightened out I drove the 1/8 of a mile from my house to where the inspection
    station is, and had the van inspected. While there I found out that I had been
    driving with suspended tags for 3 weeks due to not having had my van’s
    emissions inspection done.

    By the way, I never received notice in the mail that the tags were suspended.
        Surprised? I think not…


  • Water, Water Everywhere….but how much should I drink?


     I am on a
    mission. A mission to get physically fit, lose weight, and just in general
    be HEALTHY.  I am eating healthier, am embarking on daily exercise, and
    making myself form healthier habits. Why is this happening you may

    Well, there are a variety of reasons. First off, I turned ::gulp:: 39 this
    year. Yep…just one…more …year and I will be 40. Now, I don’t care
    that I am turning 40…but I do care that I will be turning 40 and be
    the heaviest I have ever been in my life, I feel terrible most of the time,
    and I haven’t reached some goals for my health by the time I turned 39,
    nevertheless 40. The idea of turning 40 and feeling like this, or worse,
    still wearing a ::gulp:: women’s 22, or worse, just rocked me HUGELY.
    SOMETHING has to change…and now. So, it is.

    I am entirely changing what, when, and how I eat. I am doing supplements
    even more religiously than I have in the past (and trust me, if you know me,
    I am a vitamin and supplement freak). I am doing protein shakes twice
    a day, sometimes three times, to grow muscle as I lose fat, and I am going
    to exercise a minimum of 4 times a week again. 

    I am also going to drink LOTS of water everyday. No more sugary sodas. They
    are OUT. Completely. Its hard…I am such a Pepsi junky. Oy. And Mountain
    Dew. But no more. They shall not pass these lips again. But water ….ahh…..

    Water. It is all around us. For most of us in North America, it is as easy
    to access. A simple walk across the room and we have all the water we can
    easily drink. But, most of us don’t do that. To drink water, it is
    bottled, iced, filtered, given fancy names like Evian, Aavante, Deer Park. I
    know personally, because we have an older home with iron pipes, I can’t
    STAND the taste of our water. I want to put a filter on the kitchen faucet,
    and I have a good Amway one, but it needs a new filter insert which hasn’t
    been in the budget. Gotta get that. But in the meanwhile, we buy bottled
    water. Deer Park is our current favorite.  Some brands taste like icky
    plastic…some are ridiculously expensive. Deer Park is median in price,
    readily available, and fits the bill in the taste department.

    Water is sooo necessary to the body. Most of us get our liquid from
    food, sodas, teas, fruit drinks, etc. and set aside the idea of drinking
    just water with a shrug and pass it by. The thing is, anytime we drink
    something other than water, our bodies have to work hard to get the water
    out of what we drink. The kidneys have to work harder, fat isn’t washed out
    of the system as efficiently, and the body just doesn’t work as well as it
    should when it is denied water. Think of our bodies as an engine in which
    water is the oil that keeps all the systems cooled down and lubricated so
    they can do their jobs. Let’s consider a few things:

    ~ water
    makes up as much as 60% of our body’s weight

    system in the body depends on water to function properly

    dehydration — as little as a 1 percent to 2 percent loss of your body weight
    — can sap your energy and lead to feeling dog tired

    Mild dehydration can occur when the body is down on water by as little as 1
    or 2 percent of its body weight. Which means, in essence, the more you
    weigh, the more water you should drink to maintain healthy body systems.
    Excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, infrequent urination, muscle
    weakness, dizziness, lightheadness….these are just a few of the symptoms
    of dehydration. By the time you have reached the point of experiencing one
    or more of these symptoms your body is already in distress and NEEDS WATER
    NOW. Next time you have a headache coming on, try water loading and wait on
    reaching for the pain meds.

    Ok, so water is important, but how much is really necessary for good
    health? Well, it depends. lol Great answer hm?

    The normal, healthy adult loses between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day
    through perspiration, exhalation, urination, etc. Through food you usually
    get about 20% of what your body requires in water intake…so by drinking 8
    cups, or 2 liters of water a day, you are doing good to your body.     

    If you exercise, drinking water before exercising will give you what your
    body needs for endurance: 1 to 2 cups of water depending on whether you are
    doing an endurance exercise or a short bout of exercise. During exercise you
    should drink to replace additional fluids replaced by perspiring, and if you
    work really hard a sports drink may be necessary to replace the sodium lost
    in hard exercise.

    If it is extremely hot, you need to increase your water intake to replace
    what your body has lost through the natural process of, again, sweating! As
    good as that sweet, sugary drink is when you are thirsty, you are feeding
    your taste buds and not the rest of your body. Drinks loaded with caffeine
    and sugar, or caffeine and artificial sweeteners, or just artificial
    sweeteners, put a strain on the kidneys as they work to remove the things
    your body DOESN’T need from what you have drunk. Think water first: treat
    drinks second.

    Hey I love sweet sugary drinks too….but water is the best!

    Of course, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, you need to up your water
    intake. When someone else is dependent on your for their water and beverage,
    you need to up that water intake! The Institute of Medicine recommends
    pregnant women drink 2.3 liters of water a day (about 10 cups), and nursing
    women drink 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) of water a day. So let’s go
    moms…drink drink drink! ;o)

    So anywho… water.. what’s the big deal? Well, basically, most of us want
    to be fit and/or lose weight…we don’t want headaches…we want to feel
    good and have energy. If, as they say, most Americans walk around
    dehydrated, that could be WHY we don’t feel that great. We are a nation of
    pill poppers, but not a nation of water drinkers. Water is cheaper than
    pills….its easier on the liver and brain, no side effects unless you drink
    some from Mexico, so why don’t we DO it.

    Ok…you don’t like the taste of it, you say? So add a slice of lime,
    orange, lemon or grapefruit. Do it with LOTS of ice. Put it in the freezer
    til it has ice in it *my favorite method* and drink it down! Get in a
    minimum of 8 cups a day of just regular water…join me in my quest to FEEL
    better! How’s this for a challenge… I will do a daily check in… keep an
    update on my water intake. I challenge YOU to get in your minimum of 8 cups
    of water a day. Cold…room temp…half frozen…over ice…whatever it
    takes. Drink one cup an hour…but drink that water! Here’s to less
    headaches…better health…less pills…less muscle aches and MORE ENERGY!
    Do this with me for a month and see if you don’t feel better.

    Like the dude that sells the gazelles in the infomercials says “Comon…you
    can doooittttt!”



  • Pet Peeves …( you are hereby notified of possible foaming at the mouth in the following post)

       Do you have pet peeves? I am going to assume that you probably have one or two, as most of us have have had them at one time or another. Some of us have minor pet peeves: the toothpaste being squeezed in the middle, wet towels left on the floor, lights left on in empty rooms, cigarette butts left in glasses *ooch…that is one of mine…thank heavens no one in my inner circle smokes*, shoes left lying about, that sort of thing. Most of these are benign, incidental things. The reason why they are pet peeves is usually because they are minor behaviors people around us have that irritate us to the point where we become twitchy. Ranting usually follows the one of the aforementioned behaviors when it happens for the 101st time, followed by yelling and sometimes the tossing across the room of the offending objects. ::insert innocent look here…who me? …though there was the one time with a pair of purple size 4 girl’s flip-flops that I turned my ankle on, but we won’t go there..ugly…very ugly…::

       I don’t have many pet peeves of the ones mentioned above…the ciggy butts in cups and plates grossed me out in a most indescribable way growing up. My mother was a smoker. I HATED when she did that and wasn’t able to break her of the habit. I don’t care where the tube of toothpaste is squeezed, as long as I can find it when I need to use it. Generally shoes in our house stay on the ceramic tiles by the entrance door, or in the basket, else they are a hazard to keeping ankles intact. Wet towels rarely find their way to the floor here, because everyone knows they get moldy and that is … just…too…nasty. My husband is the one who does light patrol throughout the rooms so I never have a chance to let that bother me.

       Now I do have a few minor things that drive me to twitchin’. Repeating myself when I have asked someone to do something makes me absolutely livid. Ok, that is an issue I have obviously. But if you are looking at me and hear me when I am speaking to you, and acknowledge that I just DID speak, why should I need to say everything…again…that I just said? And probably again? And in the midst of it remain civil and not turn into the proverbial Irish banshee? Ooo that drives me NUTS.

       See what having a tween does to a formerly sane woman? EGADS.

       Another minor pet peeve I have is that I can’t STAND when someone asks a question and then when I give an answer they say “Are you sure?”

       Yes I am sure.

      “Are you sure because *insert reason X, Y, or Z…”

       I am pretty sure I said ::insert yes or no here:: and that I said it was fine.

      ” But are you reaaally sure because…”

       At that point I am probably gritting my teeth and trying to not explode with impatience, because for danged sure I know they heard my answer and is there something in my demeanor that makes them think that I am either addled, simple, or in need of remedial teaching? I was asked a question, I gave an answer. I was sure about what I said when I said it because at 39 I have a pretty good command of English, my native language, which we were speaking by the way. Why is it that you have to repeatedly ask me if I am sure that I meant what I said? If you are unsure about your own answers that is fine, but I gave you my answer SO SHUT IT OFF ALREADY. I know often the repeated questioning is done out of concern and care but GREAT HEAVENS ABOVE that irritates the bejeebers out of me.

      I have some other pet peeves that are closer to the median than the minor. People who don’t use turn signals to change lanes or turn set my teeth on edge ::OH I guess Chevy trucks are now made with optional turn signals in the 2004 and 2005 models, eh?::. Drivers that have the flipping cell phone stuck up against their head and have NO CLUE they are driving. Well they sure as heck don’t ACT like they remember they are driving! If it is that important…PULL THE STINKIN CAR OVER AND MAKE YOUR CALL! Or maybe buy a headset. Get a dash clip so the phone can be used hands free. But it is abundantly clear that you REALLY STINK at multitasking, and I don’t have the money to replace my vehicle, and neither my family members nor I have spare body parts. PUT THE DURNED PHONE DOWN AND CONCENTRATE ON DRIVING!

      Guess that is definitely more than a minor pet peeve…look at all those capitol letters!

      Oh I know another one… RUDE people in checkout lines in stores.

      We have all been there: stuck behind a slow person, in a line where the register is acting up and the poor salesperson is stymied, the person in line just happens to have issues, or maybe even they are taking an inordinately long time to do what appears to be a simple task. We all realize what is going on. But why do Rude Robbie and Raunchy Rhonda have to stand behind me grouching and pitching a fit and mumbling under their breath. Look…you got issues with someone? Stand up and speak it! Have the cohunes to speak up and voice your disapproval. But you won’t DO that will you ole grumpy pants? NO…because you will look like a full blown BOOB. Everyone knows it is taking too long. You really aren’t the ONLY one hear after all. Why do you have to make everyone else miserable with your nasty kibitzing? You got a problem, move to another line, but stop grouching in my ear. You are in my bubble. You are invading my personal space with your nastiness. BACK OUT OF MY BUBBLE BUDDY!!!! I was happy til you stepped into my bubble with your grouchin’…STEP OFF.

      I guard my bubble closely. No mumblers, cell phone abusers or cigarette-butt-in-dish people allowed in my bubble.

       I have a more serious pet peeve which had I, unfortunately, had the occurrence to experience this past week.

       I think my biggest pet peeve is dealing with the aftermath of people who call themselves Christians who pick and chose what parts of the gospel to employ in their daily lives, and what parts of the Gospel they chose to employ when dealing with others. To clarify, because this is disjointed and as clear as mud…read further…

       They think they are acting Godly. After all, they are “guarding the flock”, they are “fruit inspectors”, and lets not forget ye olde “being an encourager for behavior that glorifies God.”

       I seem to recall the Pharisees making the very same claims. The Pharisees were quite proud of the fact that they could stand back and point out the wrong doings of those around them. They took great pleasure in not only informing that…that… sinner of his/her sin, but doing so in a public forum. Christ has something to say about this action…

      This week I stood on the edges of a group of women and watched stones being thrown at a close friend of mine. She doesn’t fit any standard mold that these women want her to fit. She is saucy, she is brassy…she is often irreverent, boisterous and flowery in her language. The Lord saved her out of a life of drugs and abuse, both self imposed and imposed on her by those around her. She is an original…created by God and He loves her JUST the way He created her. She loves God in a way these women will never understand, because she doesn’t use churchese, and because she is her own person. An individual. Real. A rebel. She is who God made her, and won’t change that to please them. She will not stop enjoying what she enjoys because they tell her not to. Legalistic views about what Christians are and aren’t don’t enter her personal “bubble”. She is who she is.  

      They… can’t… stand… it.

      It drives them absolutely mad because she won’t kowtow to their legalistic finger pointing, and they refuse to respect her and agree to disagree on matters that are not eternal, and that are matters of personal conviction, not Biblically mandates.

      It seems that almost quarterly, and usually on the full moon, a few ladies on this particular e-list decide to engage in a good ole fashioned round of stone hurling. Generally my friend, being that she is who she is, is the one who has the bulleseye painted on her backside. This past week, the stones were hurled over the use of words and phrases deemed unChristlike, not pleasing to God and inappropriate for a Christian women’s e-list, initially by one woman in particular, and then by a disharmonious joining in of others. These ladies rallied around this public flogging quicker than they respond to requests for prayer, faster than a response to a report of a broken bone, and faster than a “me too” when a gal makes a statement about craving chocolate. That’s right my friends….my friend was publicly dragged through the mud and chastised for using the word…*looks round to see who’s listening*


      Yes…freakin. As in “Those freakin’ people are making me crazy!” and “I am so freakin’ mad I could SCREAM!”

      OK…I will give some of them the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I understand that freakin’ is a nominal swear word to some. But when you have a large group of people who live in varied areas, come from a variety of cultures, backgrounds and ages, you need to realize that not everyone is going to think, act and BE just like you. It doesn’t mean that those who don’t fit YOUR mold, your mold mind you, not Christ’s, are wrong in being who they are, but it might mean that you and I, may need to pause a moment and reexamine what we think about someone, their actions, and often their words. Are they really uncouth and rough  Or are they just being who they are, from where they grew up from the culture they are in. Not everyone speaks churchese…and how presumptuous to assume that they aren’t “all they can be in Christ” because they aren’t just like all the North American church ladies.

      Now all this said, there is definitely a place for going to someone with concerns or issues. This is Biblically mandated and is extremely important. BUT PEOPLE….it is NOT to be done in public! You don’t tear someone down in front of their peers in order to “build them up”! This is addressed in Matthew 18…if you have an issue with a brother who has sinned against you, then go to him in private about it. I doubt there is a one among us who could handle public disdain without feeling wounded, and what an addition of insult to injury by assuming someone being wounded by public chastisement is too self centered.

      This is the part of the Gospel that these “sisters” so conveniently decided to forgo. And when I pointed this out  I was either ignored, told I was being “cliquey” (yeah I loved being called cliquey because I don’t bitch at someone in publicblike was being done and I stand up for the person) or blown off totally with excuses of “it wasn’t meant to be mean spirited”. Can we talk about unChristlike behavior unbefitting a Christian women’s e-list??!!

      Look… sin is sin. Whether you meant to do it or not isn’t the issue. The issue is that you refuse to acknowledge your own problems, yet you are more than willing to not only point out what you perceive as someone else’s sins or wrongdoing, but you do so in a way that is hurtful, directly against Christ’s teachings and then claim to do so to glorify God. Cliquey my great aunt Mabel.

      When something like this occurs it reminds me of the terrorism going on world wide.It is like dropping a grenade in a plaza full of people because you are mad at the man who spit on the statue of the town hero. You might hit the man, but you are more likely to destroy the statue and the plaza in the process, along with a bunch of other people who were standing by when the grenade went off…collateral damage? Oh well so sorry…

      For the last 22 years I have watched people who define themselves by their Christian walk make the horrible mistake of crucifying someone for what they perceive as sin. Whether they are sins or not isn’t the issue here…what is the issue is how we address what we see as a problem. Is it done in a loving and compassionate way *as Christ did*, with an eye towards not only correction and growth, but also an eye towards mercy and grace *again like Christ*? Or is it the usual rushing in with outraged sensibilities, making sure that this person knows what they have done wrong and are told about it * erm, way NOT like Christ*?  I have seen so more people who have been driven away from God, from fellowship of other believers, and from seeking what God has for them from this “righteous” and misplaced behavior than I have seen embrace what is brought in in the form of correction. Obviously this method is highly ineffective in application. In examining the scriptures, and seeing how Christ is portrayed, what his actions entailed in bringing the lost to him, and in correcting saints who were in sin, I never saw him lambaste people with legalism while rallying 20 others around to add “yeahs” and “me toos”.

      This is my biggest pet peeve in life: people dispensing rules and correction, without discernment, without wisdom for the situation. And on top of it claiming that that is what God wants them to do.

      I have a bad taste in my mouth this week…and it has nothing to do with cups and plates used as ashtrays, repeatedly being asked “Are you sure?“, or people in $50K SUVs who have cell phones epoxied to their left ear. Its going to take a long time to wash the taste of this out…

      I am guarding my bubble a bit closer today. I think I will add “no self righteous legalism allowed” to those who aren’t allowed in my bubble. If its going to burst I want it to burst with joy…not because of the prickliness of uninvited judges.
