Month: July 2006


    If ONLY I Could/Would Really Say What I Think…


       As Americans we live in the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, or so I was taught in elementary school.

       Its patently obvious today that the bravery is needed more and more to remain free. Our words aren’t “free” if they aren’t politically expedient or if they ruffle feathers. It is getting so that not only are we going to be held accountable for the words we say (which is only right) but that we can be jailed, sued and labeled as pariahs. A recent example that come to mind are the firing of a member of the Maryland Governor’s cabinet. The man in question is a staunch Catholic and his belief system is such that homosexuality is not just wrong but it is a sin, and he stated as much. Because of his position in the governor’s cabinet, he was fired from his post.

       I guess the freedom to speak one’s opinion is limited to what your boss feels is acceptable. Even in a place where one holds public office.

       I neither agree nor disagree that this gentleman should have spoken his opinion out loud, but I firmly believe that he has the right to speak it whether or not I or anyone else agrees. I also feel it was wrong that he was sacrificed on the alter of our present governor’s political ambitions. He was fired simply because it wasn’t conducive to the political atmosphere our present governor wishes to cull. Interesting, considering this governor’s campaign was geared towards the conservatives in our state and he spoke our repeatedly about his personal faith and walk with God. What Mr. Ehrlich fails to realize is that he is cutting off his nose to spite his face. Once in office, he turned his back on the very public stands that he had taken while a Congressman in our county. He is seeking re-election in the next gubernatorial race. Who does he think is going to re-elect him?  He has turned his back on the things he promised the very people who put him into office, and those who would never vote for him sneer at him not only for his stand but his LACK OF standing firm to his once-spoken-so-strongly-of ideals.

      Riding the fence will get you splinters in THE MOST uncomfortable of places.

      Not only that but to remove them you are going to ask help.

      Yeah…plant THAT image firmly in your mind. I’ll wait……




     OK…moving on…

     Recently in my area there has been a growing controversy at a church where I am very close to many people involved there. The pastor now in charge has gone mad bull, destroying ministries, tearing down good, godly people and the man just_doesn’t_see the damage he is causing. People are not being fed, the Gospel is not being shared effectively and the Great Commission is definitely not being fulfilled. My heart is breaking but I see God moving and making plans for a better future in our area. Meanwhile, people are fleeing the assembly like rats fleeing a sinking ship.  I hope something happens and SOON to redeem this situation. God needs to be able to get back to His business. Right now, while God may be allowing all this to happen so that His purposes will ultimately be fulfilled, there is a lot of floundering and confusion being caused, people being hurt and there is no ministering going on. In spite of that I see the hand of God at work in individual lives. That is a wonderful thing to witness!

      In my own life I recently was on the receiving end of a pretty major conflict/accusation.

      Two weeks ago I received a call that someone needed to speak to my husband and myself, but was not told what it was about even when I asked. What it came down to in the meeting is that there is a differing of opinions and this person doesn’t and can’t see it any other way. No meeting in the middle, no discussing, its black and white and that is it. To them it is a sin issue when clearly it is cultural and a meat offered before idols situation. Ok, I am being cryptic but I want to remain above reproach in this whole situation and I don’t want to cause a taking-sides he-said-she-said environment.  I love this person greatly and have nothing but respect for them, but we cannot and won’t agree on this situation and because of it, it has caused a change for our family. I know that I am in God’s will for my and my family’s lives and cannot and will not change simply because of one man’s opinion. I am not a man-pleaser and never have been, and I am not about to start now. Again, I have the utmost respect for the person with whom the disagreement occurred but I cannot agree with him and that is where it lies.  

      Sooo…what is freedom? We have freedom in Christ but also a responsibility to do things with that freedom that won’t hurt others. Does that mean we will always please and agree with others? No, it doesn’t unfortunately. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree on things that are not eternal truths. To often our own freedom is bound up by others’ views and opinions. I am not talking Biblical truths that are inescapable, but about how cultural and “grey area” issues are interpreted and decided upon. Legalism, rules and other man-made do’s and don’t often keep us from from doing and having all the Christ has for us, just like the political climate in our country stifles our freedoms as Americans to speak out in freedom and liberty. We often have to be in the “land of the brave” and step out even when another would hold us back.

      I have been working over the last month or so to get my photography business off the ground and flying. Way-back-when *G*, I attended the University of Maryland for Visual Arts and Photography.Before I had Brenna 11 years ago I worked in customslabs and managed labs, have worked for 1/2 dozen or more photographers, shot weddings and portraits, etc.  God has provided for me the ways and means to be able to open a studio so I can do portraits, weddings, etc. and I am extremely psyched about it. I have been doing some portrait sessions and have asked a few friends/acquaintances to let me photograph them to build up my portfolio. I need lots of samples to put out there and I have been having fun doing sessions doing so. I am going to continue to seek God’s will for myself and my family and eagerly await to see what He has in store for us. THAT my friends…is the ultimate freedom!

      Take a peek at my photography and let me know what you think:

                                                                Til next time…
