Month: November 2006

  • Sunshine In My Eyes…

    This is winter?!

    OK, so technically we haven’t had the first official day of winter as of
    yet. But still… wow!

    I am constantly amazed at the weather here in Maryland. The saying
    “Tired of the weather? Wait a minute and it will change for you!” is
    especially true this year. Last week rainy and mild. Week before cold *in
    the high 30s, low 40s*. This week
    been beautiful: weird fog in the morning but then sunny, with blue skies
    with temps in the high 50s to low 60s. Absolutely wonderful not only for the
    chance to enjoy being outside, but its been a blessing in that the heating
    bills have been greatly reduced so far. Our illustrious governor
    *snort* allowed the utility companies to ramp the electric costs up SEVENTY
    PERCENT over the next 2 years or so. Thus brings the tenure of Governor
    Robert Ehrlich to a close. Was I a bit surprised by the fact that he lost
    the election last month?


    OK back to the weather. Politics *shudder*.

    So here we are having absolutely AMAZING weather for the end of November and
    I haven’t been outside enjoying it nearly enough. It seems that tomorrow
    brings the glorious days to an end, at least for a while. Rain is expected
    tomorrow evening with the cold to come rolling in soon after. Wah.

    bills: *caching caching caching*.

    We have tried to go out at least a bit and enjoy these days while we have
    been having them. I took Brenna and Becca out before we had lunch
    *compliments of a friend who had won the lunch as part of a program to
    listen to a financial presentation*. Our county has three of the large
    multi-level cool wood/composite playgrounds that are safe, fun and a great
    place to hang out.

    Or spin…

    Hopefully we can go out again tomorrow while we have one more nice day. Who
    knows if this weather will return before spring?

    Oh yeah…well if I wait around a minute it will change. :0D

    Next Time…


  • Two Days In a Row? HOT DANG!


      OK …I am blogging
    two days in a row. WOO HOO! lol

      How the HECK did that
    happen? I must be eating my Wheaties or something. ;op~~

      So I did get some
    things done today. I umm.. ok.. cleaned and vac’d the living room. Cleaned
    out the pellet stove in there. Vac’d the kitchen, cleaned the counter tops
    and stove *ya know…the scrubby kind of cleaning of all the things that
    swipes don’t handle*. I still need to scrub the floor but I will do that
    tomorrow night.

      I firmly believe
    that whomever thought white floors in a kitchen a good idea should spend
    time in hell SCRUBBING THOSE SAME FLOORS for eternity. Ahem.

      Ok I am better

      I have done 3
    loads of laundry. I need to put it away though. I hate that part. lol

      I vac’d the
    breakfast room. That is all finished save cleaning the shelves off with the
    teapots. They need to all be wiped down as its been about 6 months since
    that was done. Its time to take it all down and wipe both the shelves and
    chotskies off. I dust them off every week but this ole house is dusty and
    after a while it just requires a good old fashioned wipe and wash.

    The dishes are all caught up, the new dish drainer in place, and the bread
    maker put away. Last night I made 5 loaves of bread. I shared a loaf with my
    MIL and planed to share with my bro and sis in law but they weren’t around.
    I will share with them from what I make later this week. I really like the
    bread I made. Its a multigrain bread made from
    Bob’s Red Mill 8 Grain Cereal.




    only is the cereal a killer-good hot cereal, but when you make bread and add
    the softened cereal to it, you have a heart-healthy multi-grain bread that
    toasts up killer good. It is also great for peanut butter sandwiches or
    grilled cheese. Michael & band
    had a gig in Waldorf last night, and Brenna was still feeling punk, so I
    just made grilled cheese and tomato soup for supper. Yumma!










    Someone was
    reallllyy hoping he would get some of that fresh baked bread.


    “Any bread for a poor starving fur-child, mom???”


      Tonight’s supper
    was home made split pea soup, home made bread and a fresh salad. IF it has
    been summer time the salad would have been home-grown. ;0) Someday I will
    have my cold frames in place to hopefully grown some sort of green year

      One of the
    gazoodles of projects in line. I got a million of em I tell ya.



    If you are a thrifter : i.e. someone who shops in thrift stores, the last
    Friday of the month is half-price for clothing at local Goodwill stores.
    Well, at least here in Maryland it works that way.

    I am still dropping sizes *YEAH* and shrinking out of clothes *YEAH and oooo
    nooo* so thrift stores have become necessary. I was down to ONE pair of
    jeans that fit without sagging, bagging or falling down my still-ample-but-notibly-less-so-arse.
    My goal in stopping in today was to get pants. So I grabbed anything that
    looked like a possibility and took it into the changing room. Unfortunately
    most of what I took IN came back OUT without plans for it to come home with

    Fortunately, someone else had been in the dressing room prior to my going in
    and had left what they tried on and rejected. Double fortunately they were
    ALL my size! There was a pile of 7 or 8 pair of pants of various colors all
    in size 12 and 14. I wound up scoring probably a good number of pants: 2
    black jeans, 2 blue jeans, 2 khaki, 1 army green, 1 dark grey, annndd I
    think another pair. I picked up a pair of Mudd jeans and a pair of
    Aeropostale and three shirts for Brenna. All of this for $42 baby! WOOT~!

    I now have enough pants for church, play, dinner, and etc. for a good while.
    Hopefully I can shrink out of them. My goal is to get solid into 10-12s in

    Oh I forgot! I also picked up a dress that is *just a smidge* too small for
    me. It fits great up top but across the hips and tummy it is a couple inches
    too small. It is a tailored dress in a dark green and it is GORGEOUS. It
    only cost me $3 so I bought it and decided to make it a “goal” dress. I mean
    HECK its a size 10 and it almost fits me. Where it fits it is as if it is
    tailored to me. Where it doesn’t is across my stomach where I desperately
    need a tummy tuck. So if nothing else it can be a dress I wear when I reach
    my goal size or after/when/if I can get a tummy tuck. I don’t even want to
    worry about the tummy tuck until I lose some more weight. No more than 30
    lbs, and that is all fat. I would rather firm up and I am not worried about
    the weight as much as I am what size I wear/how I look and feel, if that
    makes sense. 

    Let me tell you… putting on size 12s and HAVING THEM FIT. Multiple pairs?!
    I haven’t worn a size 12 .. since.. since.. probably SINCE I WAS 12. And no
    I am not kidding. What a kick!

    Tomorrow I have to put plastic and curtains on a bunch of windows in the
    house. Once that is done the house will stay quite a bit warmer *I pray!*.
    The heating bills in this big old house are terrible. I am hoping to lessen
    that a fair amount this year. In the future new windows and doors are in
    order, but that won’t happen til I get my photography business pulling some
    consistent monies in.

    I will try to report in on my progress in curtain hanging and such tomorrow.
    Not only will doing the curtains help winterize the house but it will ready
    it for holiday decorating! We have to get the a/c units out of the windows
    tomorrow too.

    This is the third Sunday at the new church plant we are part of. The first
    week we had 70 people. Last week it was 90. I suspect it will be even MORE
    this week. We already have to look for a new location to meet because it
    looks like we are quickly outgrowing our location. How exciting is that! 



    And this is just is just too funny because I was trying to take a “good”
    picture of the two of the fur-kids sitting together. They NEVER sit together
    like this, so  while they were I thought I would get a pic.


    just like any other 5 year old decided to stick his tongue out when Mom
    gets out the camera.

      Shia of course is, as always, the perfect
    little princess.




    Next Time…


  • To Blog or Not To Blog…Oh Boy I Am Lazy


       I don’t know
    why I run so hot and cold on blogging.

       The problem
    is, I have ALWAYS been like this. I would start a journal, run with it for
    oh, perhaps a month and then fffft. I wouldn’t even open the blinkin’
    journal for probably a quarter of a year. Its an odd thing but there you
    have it. Thirty or so years of the same tendencies are hard to get away

      For those who sub
    to my page, and to those whom I am subbed to, I DO read your blogs. They are
    delivered to my in-box every day and I actually read them. I haven’t been
    posting any comments because I have been, well, no excuses. I have been too
    lazy to do so! lol There you have it. I will do my best to be better and
    more consistent. My apologies!

      So yesterday was
    Thanksgiving. Marking the first “day of the holiday season”. I appreciate it
    for what it is and no more: a chance to get together with family and friends
    for the day and indulge in some good food. How much do we all really take
    extra time to be thankful for the things we have on this day? Usually I do,
    but I will admit that yesterday was pretty much just anther day *save the
    big spread of food at my SIL’s*. I have had a week of dealing with the
    migraine dance *fighting migraines due to storms coming up this week* and
    almost didn’t go to dinner. My daughter picked up something from her best
    friend *yuck* and we left early to bring her home so she could be miserable
    here at home. Not a big illness but sore throat and head…I guess a bit of
    upper respiratory thing going on. Colloidal Silver *natural
    antibiotic/antiviral*, Astragalus *immune system booster* and vitamin C with
    an occasional dose of Motrin is the order of the day. Also, I just informed
    her that she has used up her allowance of whine points for the morning.

      Is there anyone
    else who looks at the amount of tasks/chores/to-do-list items and gets
    totally overwhelmed, almost paralyzed? Anymore I can’t seem to pick a task
    or tasks but I see the WHOLE dealie that needs doing and can’t seem to get
    ANYTHING done. Its as if one task leads my brain to another task to yet
    another and it makes me almost feel panicky and its hard to get even one
    thing done. I am trying to flip that switch and think instead “OK.. I am
    going to do this and this, and not worry about anything else until I get
    that and that done.”

     Ugh. Help.

      Ok so I will post
    it here and see if that helps. See if I can post and follow through and NOT
    WORRY about the other things.

      This weekend I
    want to:

    ~get the air conditioners
    from the windows…3 total.

    ~hang up the sheers in
    the dining room *new purple ones from Ikea…$5 per window YES!*

    ~before the sheers can be
    hung the hardware for both sets of rods *sheers and drapes* has to be hung

    ~finish altering the
    drapes for the dining room.

    ~rehang the hardware in
    the living room for the drapes, and finish lining the last of four drapes
    and HANG them. We have partially textured the walls but really need drapes
    up in order to keep the heat IN the house. Old house, 23 windows. Ugh. Lot
    of heat loss.

      OK I think that is
    enough for a solid goal. There are quite a few other things to do also. Hang
    the mirror in the dining room. Hang the tea-candle holders in the dining
    room. Clean off all the china shelves and china. Dust and clean the room
    well. Water the plants. Clean up the plants and repot two that desperately
    need it. Then THAT room will be just about complete. :0)

      If I dared list
    all the other stuff I have to do I would start twitchin’ and droolin’. Not
    pretty I tell ya. :0p~~ heh

      Well to end this
    rather odd blog on a nicer note, I will post a couple of pics. Cuz you know
    I am ALL about pics, and if you haven’t realized that by now, you are either
    new here or haven’t been paying attention. Good thing there wasn’t a test,

       My sister
    and brother in law set a lovely table yesterday. They have been working like
    mad to redo their living room and it looks great! Texture painting on one
    wall is done, the trim is being redone, the pellet stove is installed on the
    tile pad they laid, a new fan in place *one that Michael and I considered
    for our family room in fact, so you know we like that guy!, lots of stripped
    window trim that now looks the spiffiest, along with all the other goodies
    they have done*. These flowers were on the food table and I love the way the
    tablecloth complimented the color of the roses.






     This is my brother
    and sister in law’s Alaskan Malamute girl, Grimia *or is it Grimea? I keep
    forgetting the correct spelling*.

    She was WAY more
    interested in scoping out the food on the table *sooo hopeful! heh* than
    sitting about waiting for Auntie Kathie to stick a camera in her face.

    This is our Keeshond
    girl, Shia.

    I was testing out my new 
    expensive and horribly complicated flash. The thing has more bells and
    whistles on it than a circus train.

    As you can see, she was
    not enjoying the flash popping. I was bouncing it off the wall so it wasn’t
    blinding her by firing face on. I think the camera flash is too reminiscent
    of lightening for her comfort level. She is not a fan of lightening and
    thunder storms, to put it mildly.


     In mid October we
    took a trip to Southern Virginia to visit family. I took these of Brenna and
    Michael on the side of the mountain where Michael’s uncle and aunt live.
    Buffalo Mountain in Floyd County Virginia. The leaves were lovely, the
    nights cool, and the black bears were raiding the trash cans at night.

    Which I remembered as I
    was sitting outside looking at the stars.



                                                                Til next


