May 31, 2007

  • The Weekend Is Over??!!

    Of course the weekend lasted a full weekend, but it certainly seems like it didn’t last very long. It even was a longer weekend because Michael took off Thursday and Friday and since he works for a bank and Monday was a bank holiday, he had a full five days off. We managed to get a LOT done around the house and yard. He primed some of the windows for painting (old house that doesn’t have the luxury of vinyl or fiberglass windows…yet :0D ), finished most of the weeding in the herb bed, cleaned up the weed piles from what I pulled out of the side and peony beds, and helped with a lot of cleaning in the house. The house cleaning was necessary because 1. the house was a WRECK because we have been running constantly the past 6 weeks 2. I have a couple of portrait sessions coming up and 3. we were having people over on Sunday.

    See, we subscribe to the philosophy that every 2-3 months we have to have shindig and invite people over so that we are forced to do all those cleaning chores that nothing else moves us to do.

    Not the best way to get house work accomplished I admit, but I have admission to make: I hate the tediousness of housework. I love the look of a clean house, but I HATE the redundancy of it. I was thinking about it the other day and realized that why I dislike it so much is because housework and cleaning are tasks that are never completed. I have a blinkin’ white kitchen floor. I have to vac it, wash it and then vac it again when I clean it. And being that the damned thing is white AND in the middle of a 6 room downstairs, approximately 43 nanoseconds after the floor is finished, something spills, drips, drops or is tracked onto it.

    If I vacuum our dark green family room carpet, within minutes there appears as if by magic: mulch, white dog fur from my dogs’ undercoats or grass clippings.

    If I wash the clothes I have to dry them. And fold them. And put them away. Gah. Just keep stickin’ those bamboo pieces under my nails.

    IF I do manage to do the impossible ** empty the laundry sorters**, I swear that the moment I turn my back the laundry gremlin throws in that damned sock that I was looking for or a single white shirt, that now has to wait for a full load of whites.

    If I dust and walk into another room, when I return the dust has settled back on whatever piece of furniture it was that was just dusted.

    Maybe I should just write in the dust and call it a day. Or call it artistic expression?

    Anyway, this weekend we also bought a new grill ((YEEEHAWWWW!!!)) I use my grill year round so I wanted a stainless-steel-no-have-to-paint-me-ever-ever-ever-hallelujah-and-amen. 17 years of marriage and 3 grills later, I am in grill heaven.

    Yes suh…dats ma babee!!!

    Sunday the aforementioned people came over *15 all total* and I was a grillin’ fool. I made enough teriyaki chicken, sirloin burgers and hot dogs to feed everyone on Sunday evening and feed the three of us most of this week.

    I have been spending a lot of time outside working in the yard and flower beds. Cleaning this up from our slate walkway:

    I AM SO READY to call the humane society about the cats that my irresponsible neighbor insists on “getting for his kids”. The cats then are left to become feral nuicances that chase the birds in my yard, crap on my walkway, spray my flower and herb beds and generally become pests. NOTE: Cats are domestic animals NOT wild animals. If you aren’t going to get them and CARE for them, including the spayng or neutering of said animals, then get a freaking TY stuffy and leave the live animals for those who have a clue.

    This same neighbor has had 6 or 7 dogs in the last 5 years, 3 of which the Humane Society has removed from them, 1 of which “disappeared” and 2 which were hit by cars and killed.

    Ok I shoud stop now before I wind up saying things I need to repent of. I am already thinking them.

    Did I mention that a groundhog has dug whole by the foundation of my house? Again?

    Oh and that I think a squirrel may be getting in my house in the crawl space?

    This has been the month of critter hell.

    Well cept that Reilly was added to the family.

    Come June Come!


Comments (2)

  • Well Kathie!  All of your hard work was quite noted on Sunday!  We had a blast!  Being introduced to the new (for us) game Apples to Apples was so much fun!  And let me tell ya…the food was awesome!  And yes…Reilly is a very high tenor!

    love you!

  • Love the grill!  We just have a hand-me-down from my sister…but it was free – can’t beat that!  I leave the grilling to my hubby – he enjoys it and it give me a break.

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