Month: June 2007

  • I am aching in about 20   places, or if I am just falling apart.  **insert pause for all the smart arse remarks y’all are thinking** OK that is all the time you get for that. I am not that generous. Tuesday and Wednesday were more “days in the fields”. I worked outside all afternoon on Tuesday: at least 7 hours with one 1/2 an hour break. ::No, I am not a masochist, I just get like that. I work til I drop and don’t think about eating or anything else:: I cleaned out a flower bed out front that was full of 3 foot tall grass…some annoying clumping grass that required my digging it out with a long handled shovel. It actually looks like a garden now instead of part of an abandoned lot. I planted two yellow roses in the same bed ::that I got inexpensively from Wal Mart:: I also planted a red rose in each of the driveway beds. Four roses for $15! WOOT! I am SO glad the weather has been amenable to working outside and not dying of heat stroke. For the most part the temps have been in the low 80s with low humidity. YES! Humidity is the bane of summer in Maryland and I think the only ones that enjoy the nastiness of our humid summers are the mosquitoes. ::and by the by, Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are from the pit of hell. I don’t care what anyone says. They. Are. Evil. And. Pointless::After all, they all came from the Orient. Must feel like old-home week to them. Its supposed to get HOT today. Wah. I just hope the humidity stays low though. Wednesday when I stopped weeding, cleaning and planting, I stood up, took of my gloves and…..Ouuuuccchhh. Sciatica is a damned nuisance. Having arthritis in my back is a damned nuisance. Two many car accidents, horse-back riding falls, and general mishaps over my41 years .Myeh. To exacerbate the damage to my spine in the distant past, this winter I took one step on the stairs and just ...went down. Fell. Didn’t walk down the steps but made it to the bottom. I guess I mis-stepped because one moment I was upright and then suddenly I was on my arse and sliding down the 17 steps on my back. I hit the bottom and was laughing. Face it, it is kind of funny to slide down a staircase on your arse. Then I stopped laughing because I realized mannn I was going to be hurting from this. I got up…stretched. Went and sat down at the computer. 20 minutes later I could not get up. My muscles in my back had locked up so tight that I couldn’t move. I went to my dr two days later to get a script for an x-ray because I was afraid I had fractured something in my spine. Thankfully I hadn’t, but when he called me back he said “Well you didn’t fracture anything but there are changes since you last x-rays. You have arthritis at Cervical this and Thoracic that and Lumbar those.” Oh good night. No wonder my back aches all the time! So, I started taking more of my supplements that are good for tendons and joints. The Omega acids in Evening Primrose Oil (EPO), Flax Seed and Fish Oil are not only natural anti-inflammatory, but the GLA in the EPO is a pre-builder for the body for repairing damaged joints. EPO is AMAZING stuff. It isn’t the EPO itself that affects the body but the fact that the GLA gives the body the nutrition it needs to build serotonin receptors, rebuild joints, fight allergic reactions and even can help with ADD and ADHD symptoms. Read up on it. I believe EVERY WOMAN should be taking this without fail. I started taking this when my daughter was about 6 months old when I was having post-partum. It is safe to take when nursing or pregnant *always talk to your OB!*. I will do a whole post on EPO one day but seriously, if you suffer depression and want something natural, safe and gentle to help, try this. We often suffer disease or dysfunction because we do not get the nutrition we need for the body to function properly. Targeting the body with supplements that will give it what it needs to function properly is THE WAY to go, rather than treating symptoms that just mask disease and dysfunction. Oh boy could I go off on that subject, but again that is a whole series of blogs in and of itself.
    I also take Boswellia (Frankincense), Valerian and/or Bromelain for my back (comes from pineapple). Boswellia is a natural anti-inflammatory. Valerian is a natural muscle relaxant and sleep aid. Not all at once and not all the time. They are part of my “arsenal”. :o D Also in the options list is Arnica rub and homeopathic grains. And let’s not forget daily supplements of calcium citrate, potassium and magnesium. Its been proven that the muscles don’t function properly without these three minerals, and that people with heart disease often have an imbalance in these. Also I am of that age. Feh. lol The powers that be want us gals to supplement calcium to prevent osteoporosis. OK…I can do that. Calcium citrate is WAY more absorbable by the body that calcium carbonate or other forms of calcium. Up to 70% MORE absorption of the c.citrate! What’s to question?! Take calcium citrate if you supplement your calcium and keep your bones, heart and muscles healthy. And on a gardening note, again ::I seem almost obsessed with it, don’t I? but its really my focus this last little while:: Last week I bought gloves. One week later, there are 6 or 7 holes worn through them. Trash time for the gloves only after only a week. Yeah I have been working hard. Explains the owies. And the rewards are worth it. Gerbera Daisies 6/7/07Wave Petunias 6/7/07Siberian Wallflowers 6/7/07Queen's Tears 6/7/07Maltese Cross 6/7/07White Iris 6/7/07Candycane Carnations 6/7/07Aster 6/7/07  ~Kathie  

  • Thyme and Thyme Again          

        Well the herb festival on Sunday was a bust. Why? Because the DAMNED SITE I GOT THE INFO OFF OFF had the date and time WRONG. GRRRRRRRRRRRR The festival was actually Saturday from 10-4, not on Sunday. So I missed the one in Baltimore and the one in Darlington.

        So when we went up there and NO ONE was there, and I saw the signs showing it was the day before *grrrrr again* I said “OK let’s go to Ken’s Gardens in Lancaster. They have lots of herbs.” That is about 45 minutes up the road. So we go up there…AND EVERY FREAKING THING is closed. ARGHHHHHHH I was thwarted horribly whatever I did yesterday and I was already in a total byatch mode. Not sure why, but there you have it. **takes a couple of Evening Primrose Oil**

       So we went to Noah’s Landing in Lancaster (a store run by Sight and Sound), hit the Goodwill thrift store, and had lunch. We also stopped in a Wal Mart there to see if they had anything in herbs. Well bupkis there. More thwarting.

      Came home and went to the Home Depot ….wound up getting almost everything I wanted from there. *rolls eyes* So I drove all over God’s country to get herbs  and wound up getting them right down the road. I am more ticked about missing the festivals than what I didn’t get. I bought 2 tarragon, 2 lemon thyme, lavender *not sure what variety but it is different from what I already have*, 2 lemon verbena, an Italian parsley that I split into 6 pieces, sweet marjoram, thyme, variegated thyme, and 6 rosemary plants *4 of one variety and 2 of another…rosemary is way up there on my favs list*. I also had already gotten common thyme, sweet basil, opal basil, common lavender, & Greek oregano. I already had some leeks, onion chives, garlic chives, 2 different varieties of comfrey, leeks, Italian parsley, St. John’s Wort and wormwood. So once everything comes it it is going to look really nice and full. I look forward to being able to harvest lots of yummy herbs. I still want to get arnica, chamomile *German and Roman*, lemon basil, globe basil, and Calendula. I have a selection of both medicinal, culinary and aromatic herbs.

      Today I put out a call on Freecycle for Jerusalem Artichoke. Which are neither truly an artichoke and not from Jerusalem. They are a type of sunflower that is a perennial with edible tubers. I was trying to find the seed or plants locally and was having no luck. I had a response from someone that happened to live right around the corner from me! The flowers have some Moneywort (a groundcover) growing in with them, so I will plant some of that in my shade garden. Funny thing is, I looked at Moneywort plants the other day and almost bought a couple. Nifty! Free is a good thing.

      Check this site out if you are interested in plants and their uses:

      I have so many of the plants that are in that database…either in my gardens or in my yard. I found the site when looking up the medicinal uses of honeysuckle. I knew it was used medicinally but couldn’t remember for what. See, I have several THOUSAND yards of this plant growing in my yard. I am trying to tame it back. The medicinal uses of it are many and varied! One of the things that impressed me was its use as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. I think I will pick a whole slew of the flowers and make a rub from them. It will be great as a muscle rub. It also appears that the leaves of the honeysuckle are edible parboiled and cooked. I am going to try that! I have enough to feed the whole blinkin neighborhood.

      So today I spent 6 or 7 hours working in the yard. I used the trimmer to cut down most of the crap in the veggie bed (aka weed central). I also cut a path to where the compost pile used to be. OH MY FREAKIN GOODNESS but my back  yard is overgrown. I can’t even begin to explain how bad the grapevine, honeysuckle, wild rose, black raspberry, et al is overgrown. Into the trees. On the fence, etc. across the back of our yard. Its going to take a lot of work to knock it back. *sigh*

      Well, if the honeysuckle tastes good at least that is something!




  • !I’ve Been Tagged!

    I’ve been tagged by Nettieheidmann! Here are the rules:

    1. Grab the book closest to you.
    2. Open it to Page 161.
    3. Find the fifth full sentence.
    4. Post the text of the sentence to your blog.
    5. Don’t search around for the coolest book you have, use the one that is really right next to you.

    So here is my tag-back response:

    Michelagelo’s greatest sculptures generally formed part of an architectural structure, as in the New Sacristy for San Lorenzo, or the figure of Moses intended for the unfinished tomb of Julus II in Rome.


    We had been looking at books on Michelagelo and Leonardo DaVinci following a VERY cool show on the history channel that was profiling Leondardo’s life and works, then a 2nd show that was talking about the war machines and weaponry he designed. Did you know that he was the designer and inventor of the first pistol that could be fired one handed? It was not actually produced and used until a few years after his death, and he wasn’t too happy with how some of his war machines were used during his life, but nonetheless, he was an amazing inventor!

    I tag back LadyBlue, Anna, Saremca, Sheabyshea and Purcells.



  • Saturday Stuff

    Today I:

    - went to a grill party at our friends’/pastor’s house. Fun! Lots of friends. Food I didn’t HAVE TO COOK. WOOT. And the weather was great. The kids swam, we talked…and because they were swimming they didn’t keep interupting or whining about being bored or what-have-you. How often does THAT happen? :0D (don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter, her best friend and my friends’ kids, but some of the kids are definitely high maintenance and annoying when they are constantly being attended to)

    - cleaned out the next to last of the flower beds that needed attention. In the process I found a desiccated frog. Hrm. So…like…is that a bonus and how many points do I get for it? Or do I save it for a homeschool science experiment? Damn. I buried it in mulch. I could have kept it for that!

    -discovered something died in my attic. Its a walk up attic. A large attic. And now a smelly attic. I have no idea WHAT the heck died up there, but, it WASN’T the snake. Well, it better not have come back and died up there *grumble*But damn…there is a hellish amount of stuff up there, so how am I going to figure out what is dead, stinky and desiccating in my attic that is now reaching the 100s in the June temps? Help. Maybe it will just dry out and erm…stop stinkin.

    -weeded between the house and garage: maaaann was that a mess! 20-30, 3 foot tall thistles and an untold number of HUGE dandelions, creeping Charlie and an oddment of other weeds… and some “thing” that just won’t DIE. I have to get out the Weed-Be-Gone and spray it while screaming DIE SUCKA DIIIIEEE MUAHAHAHAHAH. Oh and add a glorious rendition of the “die you bastard” dance.

    -weeded the next to last of the sad, so so very sad flower beds that needed a huge amount of TLC. Only one more to go…and then the VEGGIE BED. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow and Monday, which we NEED…but I have GOT to get this bed under control! I have tomatoes, cukes, eggplant and squash to get in the ground. And I want to plant beets, beans and lettuce. Yeah…I am WAY behind. *sigh* I am still going to see what I can get if I plant this week. I am going to weed even if it is raining tomorrow and Monday. Hell, it might be easier to get the stupid thistle out. Not to mention pulling out the fencing and posts *chicken wire and green stakes* that have been over taken with honeysuckle. Anyone out there have a love for weeding that needs to be filled? I am more than willing to share! :o D

    -cut a bunch of low hanging branches off of our Flame Maple. The tree was full to the point of many the branches almost touching the ground, which is quite hazardous when coming through on a riding mower. Its bad enough being swept off a horse by a tree limb, but I refuse to fly off my tractor and onto my ass due to the low hanging Maple branches. Yeah …go on…laugh while you picture it. I have two more trees that have low hanging branches that are so low that they WILL sweep you off and throw you into the next neighborhood. I either need to trim them or I can start offering them as a kiddie ride. *gigglesnort*Ok Ok…I will get out the reciprocating saw instead.

    -made pasta salad and chocolate fudge to take to the grill party. Whole grain pasta with a balsamic vinegar & olive oil dressing, garlic, basil, thyme, fresh ground pepper and sea salt; chickpeas, roasted red pepper, mozzarella, California mix veggies, artichoke hearts, and olives. The fudge was made with sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips, and then I swirled melted butterscotch chips in. A bit soft but mannnn was it tasty. Both items were off the cuff as I had NO idea what to make, really need to go to the grocer and had no desire to do so. I started looking at ingedients and the above is what I came up with. Good news: everyone loved it. Bad news: I made TOO MUCH of both. I came home with a ton of fudge *everyone brought a LOT of food* and a whole freakin lot of the pasta salad. Well, the salad I sent a bunch home with Kipper and her beau. He cooks like I do *i.e. all sorts of fun ingredients and spices* so he liked the salad. He got playing BBQ master for me last Sunday when we had everyone over. Good thing he likes to cook! lol

    -came home to three fuzzie buddies that missed us. To give you a little taste of what was waiting when we came home:



    This is my Shia. Shia means “gift or present” in Hebrew, and God gifted her to me a year before I lost my first Keeshond, Kylea, at the age of 14 1/2 to pancreas failure. Sweet and happy, Shia is a 38 pound, cuddly, loving lap dog. I have never seen a dog as sweet and loving as she is.








    This is Perry. Perry means “wanderer or stranger from a foreign land” in Gaelic. He was a rescue from Ohio that I drove 7 hours to pick up from someone who pulled him for me from a high-kill shelter. Listed as an unneutered mix, he was neither a mix, nor unneutered, but he DID smell like a barn and had wounds from shotgun pellets in 4 different places. He smiles and rocks his fluffy tail constantly, spins and is a wonderful goofy boy. I can’t imagine that this gorgeous boy would have been gassed if a kind stranger in Ohio hadn’t agreed to pull him from the shelter for me, and drive two HOURS to meet me.




    This is Reilly…the baby of the family. We have only had him about a month and in that time he has driven the other dogs nuts, and become fast friends with them. A sweet, mouthy and smart as a whip 11 month old, I see a lot of my first Keeshond, Kylea, in him. Kylea could talk…said about 7 different words, including water, mama, Kathie and out.

    No I am NOT joking. She talked. I have friends that heard her on more than one occasion.

    Reilly means “courageous or valiant” in Gaelic. Yep…the name fits him!

    So this is the crew that meets me when I come home. life would NOT be the same without these smart, funny and beautiful animals that own a large part of my heart. All three are full blood Keeshonden, rescued from various pounds at various ages. So if you are looking for a pet, consider contacting breed rescue and looking for the breed you want and save the life of future friend!

    Tomorrow I am going to the Darlington Herb Festival in historic Darlington on the banks of the Susquehanna River. Here’s hoping the thunder storms hold off so I can get enough herbs to fill up my bed. I need rosemary,tarragon, lemon thyme, chamomile, sage, arnica, calendula, and whatever else catches my eye. Both culinary and medicinal herbs interest me, so I am going with a goal in mind: restock my herb bed that died out. I MISS my fresh herbs. So I pray the storms hold off til after 4!

    Til later…



  • …A Day In The Garden In Pictures…
