June 7, 2007

  • I am aching in about 20   places, or if I am just falling apart.  **insert pause for all the smart arse remarks y'all are thinking** OK that is all the time you get for that. I am not that generous. Tuesday and Wednesday were more "days in the fields". I worked outside all afternoon on Tuesday: at least 7 hours with one 1/2 an hour break. ::No, I am not a masochist, I just get like that. I work til I drop and don't think about eating or anything else:: I cleaned out a flower bed out front that was full of 3 foot tall grass...some annoying clumping grass that required my digging it out with a long handled shovel. It actually looks like a garden now instead of part of an abandoned lot. I planted two yellow roses in the same bed ::that I got inexpensively from Wal Mart:: I also planted a red rose in each of the driveway beds. Four roses for $15! WOOT! I am SO glad the weather has been amenable to working outside and not dying of heat stroke. For the most part the temps have been in the low 80s with low humidity. YES! Humidity is the bane of summer in Maryland and I think the only ones that enjoy the nastiness of our humid summers are the mosquitoes. ::and by the by, Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are from the pit of hell. I don't care what anyone says. They. Are. Evil. And. Pointless::After all, they all came from the Orient. Must feel like old-home week to them. Its supposed to get HOT today. Wah. I just hope the humidity stays low though. Wednesday when I stopped weeding, cleaning and planting, I stood up, took of my gloves and.....Ouuuuccchhh. Sciatica is a damned nuisance. Having arthritis in my back is a damned nuisance. Two many car accidents, horse-back riding falls, and general mishaps over my41 years .Myeh. To exacerbate the damage to my spine in the distant past, this winter I took one step on the stairs and just ...went down. Fell. Didn't walk down the steps but made it to the bottom. I guess I mis-stepped because one moment I was upright and then suddenly I was on my arse and sliding down the 17 steps on my back. I hit the bottom and was laughing. Face it, it is kind of funny to slide down a staircase on your arse. Then I stopped laughing because I realized mannn I was going to be hurting from this. I got up...stretched. Went and sat down at the computer. 20 minutes later I could not get up. My muscles in my back had locked up so tight that I couldn't move. I went to my dr two days later to get a script for an x-ray because I was afraid I had fractured something in my spine. Thankfully I hadn't, but when he called me back he said "Well you didn't fracture anything but there are changes since you last x-rays. You have arthritis at Cervical this and Thoracic that and Lumbar those." Oh good night. No wonder my back aches all the time! So, I started taking more of my supplements that are good for tendons and joints. The Omega acids in Evening Primrose Oil (EPO), Flax Seed and Fish Oil are not only natural anti-inflammatory, but the GLA in the EPO is a pre-builder for the body for repairing damaged joints. EPO is AMAZING stuff. It isn't the EPO itself that affects the body but the fact that the GLA gives the body the nutrition it needs to build serotonin receptors, rebuild joints, fight allergic reactions and even can help with ADD and ADHD symptoms. Read up on it. I believe EVERY WOMAN should be taking this without fail. I started taking this when my daughter was about 6 months old when I was having post-partum. It is safe to take when nursing or pregnant *always talk to your OB!*. I will do a whole post on EPO one day but seriously, if you suffer depression and want something natural, safe and gentle to help, try this. We often suffer disease or dysfunction because we do not get the nutrition we need for the body to function properly. Targeting the body with supplements that will give it what it needs to function properly is THE WAY to go, rather than treating symptoms that just mask disease and dysfunction. Oh boy could I go off on that subject, but again that is a whole series of blogs in and of itself.
    I also take Boswellia (Frankincense), Valerian and/or Bromelain for my back (comes from pineapple). Boswellia is a natural anti-inflammatory. Valerian is a natural muscle relaxant and sleep aid. Not all at once and not all the time. They are part of my "arsenal". :o D Also in the options list is Arnica rub and homeopathic grains. And let's not forget daily supplements of calcium citrate, potassium and magnesium. Its been proven that the muscles don't function properly without these three minerals, and that people with heart disease often have an imbalance in these. Also I am of that age. Feh. lol The powers that be want us gals to supplement calcium to prevent osteoporosis. OK...I can do that. Calcium citrate is WAY more absorbable by the body that calcium carbonate or other forms of calcium. Up to 70% MORE absorption of the c.citrate! What's to question?! Take calcium citrate if you supplement your calcium and keep your bones, heart and muscles healthy. And on a gardening note, again ::I seem almost obsessed with it, don't I? but its really my focus this last little while:: Last week I bought gloves. One week later, there are 6 or 7 holes worn through them. Trash time for the gloves only after only a week. Yeah I have been working hard. Explains the owies. And the rewards are worth it. Gerbera Daisies 6/7/07Wave Petunias 6/7/07Siberian Wallflowers 6/7/07Queen's Tears 6/7/07Maltese Cross 6/7/07White Iris 6/7/07Candycane Carnations 6/7/07Aster 6/7/07  ~Kathie  

Comments (16)

  • I love the photos! Thanks for stopping by my site! :)

  • I love working outside in the yard, too. There's something about digging in the dirt that makes me feel connected to God. LOL! Pulling weeds is a spiritual experience?? Man, I'm weird.

    Have a great day!

  • No I'm not sleeping any better. Well, last night I actually got 9 hours of sleep but the past 3 or 4 days in a row I have only gotten like 4 or 5 hours of sleep each night. It totally sucks!!

  • I'm with you on the humidity and mosquitos.  I alway look forward to warm and even hot weather...but then that stuff comes along too it really ruins that fantasy of perfect summer weather.

  • So beautiful!  I can't wait to come down to see them! (and you!)  I hope you have recovered from Saturday's shoot!

    ;) Kip

  • From the rice fields of Arkansas, I totally agree with you on those mosquitos!!  Your flowers are beautiful--just how long have you been working on your plants?

  • Evening Primrose Oil, eh?  I never keep the herbal remedies straight.  But I know your pain - the baby started KICKING (not moving, not rolling - KICKING) this past week, and apparently it needs to shove itself against my spine to get enough brace to haul off with the good 'uns.... so my back is totally killing me.  The sciatica was driving me CRAZY two nights ago, and today my pelvic bone is totally numb.

    Babies.  They're worth it, but it never feels like it at the time...

  • Pwetty pics!  Sounds like you are doing all the gardening I am not this year... Valerian relaxing my everything, like drinking, LOL!  BTW, I tagged you!

  • hi kathie,  i love that song, i just don't like to hurt. lol

    i have a question.  what kind of camera do you use?  i am finally ready to begin my quest of photgraphy.  i have two good cameras, but i really don't know if they are that good or not. 

    thanks, mari

  • Girl...it's been a while since you updated. Miss you, I does. Been looking for you on AIM.


  • Is the back better?

  • Woman are you ever going to update this thing??

  • Beautiful flowers :)   My favorite of those shown is the white iris. 

    I hope that your back is doing much better now.

    Your sis in Christ,


  • You haven't updated in a long time. I hope you're doing alright...

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